Game Mechanisms for Escape Games & Action Rooms

We specialize in the creation of tailor-made game mechanics for Escape Games and Action Rooms, a new and fast-growing concept. We offer a full range of services, from the design of sophisticated game mechanics to advanced management systems, customized scoreboards and remote updates. Our experts also collaborate with professional decorators to seamlessly integrate the mechanics into your settings, and assist you in creating captivating scenarios and complex puzzles.

Are you planning to open an Action Game or Escape Game room? We’re here to help you turn your ideas into reality and create unforgettable gaming experiences.

Activity Management and Control System


Team builder terminal

  • Team creation and photos: Players can easily create their teams and take photos of themselves (individually or as a group).
  • Scoreboard: A large screen displays current team scores, creating a competitive atmosphere. Visitors can also consult their monthly and annual rankings at the end of each game, motivating them to play again to beat the best score.


Room access control with RFID wristband

  • Credits: Our system allows players to purchase credits directly via the tablet, giving them access to various rooms and activities without having to go back to the reception desk.
  • RFID wristbands: Players access rooms autonomously using RFID wristbands. A light above the door indicates whether the room is occupied by another group. An electromagnetic suction cup opens the door for smooth, secure access.


Game Master administrator interface

  • Progress monitoring: Our solution enables Game Masters to remotely monitor and manage all electronic and software components, ensuring a smooth experience for players.
  • Player assistance: Game Masters can send messages directly to the screens, or via loudspeakers installed in the rooms, to guide or assist players.
  • Triggering mechanisms: GMs can also trigger mechanisms remotely to help players who are stuck or to adjust the flow of the game.
  • Video surveillance system: We provide a complete video surveillance system to ensure the safety and smooth running of games.


Support & Maintenance

  • Remote room access control: Our remote maintenance service enables rapid diagnosis and resolution of technical problems, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.


Do you have a project or need information?

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

   Bordeaux / Paris

Développement d'Expériences Immersives

Technologies immersives

Realité Virtuelle (RV)
Realité Augmentée (RA)
Computer Vision
Projection Mapping
Jeux vidéos

Système embarqué

Internet des objets (IoT)
Industry 4.0
Système embarqué sur Unités Centrales (UC) Conception de Circuit Electronique (PCB)
IoT Gateway
